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Isan Flavour Library

เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 years ago

Isan Flavour Library

25 Febuary – 6 March 2022 | 10.30 – 22.00

TCDC Khon Kaen

There is nothing wrong with counting fermentation as one of the primary innovations of the humanities. This is because fermentation has long been humanity’s food-preserving method. It is this knowledge that has helped us survive when fresh food was insufficient. However, with advanced food preserving technology, fast transportation systems, and views that local fermented food is related to older people, unhygienic consumption, and unpleasant smells, the role of fermented food is fading away from the Thai table. The leavening agent, passing from generation to generation—from jars to jars—is ignored and overlooked.

Now that fermented food is back in fashion as a healthy food, youngsters are growing yeast, baking sourdough, fermenting Kimchi for household consumption, and ordering fermented fish in foreign restaurants. There must be a place for Thai fermented fish and prickled fish. How should we look for new possibilities in local food culture? And how should we extend this Isan fermentation wisdom to the development of creative businesses? Visit the “Isan Flavour Library” at the Isan Creative Festival in 2022 to find out how Isan’s multi-taste fermentation works. The exhibit will be shown at the festival.

Attend the exhibition and the opening talk to fully appreciate the display, which will reveal all the mysteries of flavours. The science of food preservation is presented at the Isan Creative Festival 2022, which discloses the secrets of Isan’s fermented food flavours through the experimentation of the “Mah Noi Food Labs” team, the creators of all the flavours presented at the exhibition, which include Oils, Vinegas, Garums, Pickles, Shoyu, and Amazake. Other sub programmes of Isan Flavour Library are also available:

Vernissage: Isan Flavor Library, an opening activity led by Chef Weerawat Triyasenwat, Chef Curtis Hetland, and the “Mah Noi Food Labs” team, whose experimental Isan fermented food flavours are on display during the exhibition, from 15.00 – 17.00 on February 26, 2022,

Join in various tasting activities from February 27 – March 5 (two rounds a day) and, if you wish, buy a “starter kit” to do your own experimentation of flavours at home.

Participate in the exhibition closing programme, Finisage: Isan Flavor Library, which includes two activities, namely Beverages & Miscellenous Amuse bouche and a panel discussion on March 6, from 13.00 – 15.00.

More details and Reservation:

Remark: From 10.30 to 22.00 daily, the exhibition is available to the public.

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