The 7 Programmes in Isan Creative Festival 2022
เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 years ago
The 7 Programmes in Isan Creative Festival 2022
Isan Creative Festival 2022 is pleased to exhibit the craft of thought and creativity in 7 major programmes. You are invited to the 2022 Isan Creative Festival to see inspired masterpieces created with passion and to feel a variety of unique experiences made by local designers.
Isan Creative Festival 2022 is held under the theme of “Think Link Things” to reflect the combination of Isan cultural assets with creativity, design, and innovation, as well as the collaborations of talents with diverse backgrounds of expertise, gender, and core value. The event acts as a creative business networking and idea-exchanging platform for both Isan and non-Isan stakeholders to serve CEA Khon Kaen’s objective as the first Isan creative business incubation centre and to celebrate the creative cultures of Isan. The audience is to be experienced and inspired by 7 types of creative activities situated at two main venues: (1) Srichan Creative District and (2) TCDC Khon Kaen-Kungsadan area. The event takes place betweenFebruary 25 – March 6, 2022.
1. Showcase & Exhibition
Exhibitions and showcasses designed and presented by creators, entrepreneurs, and corporations to reflect the outcomes of human, community, and business development projects using the design process, creativity, and technology.
2. Talk & Workshop
Lectures and discussions bring together Thai and international thinkers, designers, professionals, and artists to highlight future economic opportunities in the creative economy, from local to global. Workshops and do-it-yourself activities by creators are also accessible to communicate knowledge and skills in order to encourage understanding and learning through participatory processes.
3. Event & Entertainment
Activities that celebrate creativity, such as music, film screenings, and performing arts, contribute to the city’s atmosphere and movement. It also acts as a public platform for local artists to showcase their talents.
4. Creative District Project
The ongoing creative district development project, which began in 2018, was launched by a small group of people who wanted to bring the city back to life, build productive spaces, and improve the quality of life for the people in the target areas. It has evolved into a collaborative mission at the district and provincial levels, and it is set to continue achieving regional goals.
5. Creative Tour
A programme designed to boost community tourism and local culture in the areas by collaborating with local communities on creative tourism. The programme places a premium on integrating bioeconomy concepts in order to foster the growth of a creative economy centred on bio-tourism destinations. As a result, a revenue distribution plan for the community will be devised and promoted.
6. D-KAK Market
The market’s goal is to encourage the development of emerging businesses and to pave the way for new businesses and the prosperity of the community. The festival’s market focuses on three key areas: entertainment, design and crafts, and northeast food.
7. Promotion
A programme to highlight the potential of businesses and entrepreneurs in various districts and places that collaborate with the Isan Creative Festival and serve as a vehicle for local product marketing during the festival in order to connect and motivate businesses in the areas to grow together.
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